Monday, January 27, 2020

Aspects of Health: Contribution to Wellness

Aspects of Health: Contribution to Wellness Charlene Mifsud Health is composed of 5 aspects: social health, physical health, mental health, economical health, spiritual health. Discuss how these five aspects of health contribute towards wellness. Wellness and health do not have the same meaning since health is divided into 5 different components which are: physical health, mental health, spiritual health, economical health and social health, while wellness mostly emphasizes a person’s responsibility for well-being by practicing health-promotion and their life style behaviours. When one is not healthy it does not necessarily mean that the person has a disease or has a pathogen since health as introduced above is divided into different categories. Wellness is when the five different categories of health are balanced and are all positive so if one of the components starts to get negative, we can say the person is starting to feel unwell due to lack of a certain health component. The following discussion will explain each aspect and my own personal opinion is given in each case. Physical health: Physical health concerns the whole physical parts of the human body. One must keep in control of what they eat by following a balanced diet, exercise regularly, not smoke, no drug use, drink water, sleep well and be hygienic. I personally think that these factors will help the well-being of a person and prevent and harm being caused to the physical body. Diseases may arise if one or more of these factors are not followed such as coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, myocardial infarction, cancers (due to drugs, alcohol or smoking) and countless others. Some may argue that if a person is at a healthy weight they can eat junk food and others might say that if a person is stressed let them smoke since it relaxes them. One needs to be educated about these deadly vices at an early age as to prevent from starting because once a person starts one of these critical habits it’s difficult to stop and may lead to serious damages to body. Also some may arg ue that children should not be taught such things as it may influence them by trying them out since curiosity overcomes us but some might say that it is their decision and the future is in their hands so let them decide what they want in life. Finally in my opinion I would make people aware of what causes illnesses and these will inspire them to maintain a healthy physical body and reduce any risk factors. Those who argue against it, their opinion is accepted but if any future complications arise stopping these unhealthy habits may be even more difficult once taken after long periods of time. Mental health In order to be mentally healthy one must feel comfortable about themselves and raise their self esteem by accepting themselves as they are. Mixing with people and making friends help to stabilize a person and keep their mind positive which will help by avoiding falling into depression of solitude. Economical problems such as being in debt may lead a person to feel melancholic: ‘’More than a quarter of people with mental health problems were in debt.’’(Brian Krans, October 3rd, 2013). If a person is bullied seek immediate help before the victim starts to lose self esteem and may start feeling suicidal. Also if for any reason one may feel stressful, finding ways to calm oneself such as yoga, healthy food, exercise or even join a support group may help before matters go downhill since stress may cause further problems concerning physical health. Some may oppose my personal opinion by saying that if a person does not want to seek help from other professionals l et them be it is their life. Also some may say if a person would rather stay alone than mix with people it would be better for everyone so that person will not pass on their depression to others which most probably this would not happen. Letting people who are in a bad state stay the way they are without convincing them to change will have an impact on the people around them and care for them. Help people who are in need of support as to prevent future harm to themselves and to the people around them. Spiritual health Spiritual health does not necessarily mean believing in a higher being, but it also includes to feel by loving, being compassionate and forgiving. I agree that as human beings we have the capability to love and be compassionate with our partner and this makes one feel spiritually at ease. Forgiveness though must be earned and I personally think that if one asks for forgiveness they mean it and believe that what they have done was wrong. Others may say that everyone deserves forgiveness even if the person does not ask for forgiveness from their victim. These three values assist a person by gaining ethical intelligence, give the true meaning of life, make decisions easier to take, and appreciate all that is around us. Different people from all around the world have different religious beliefs and others have none. Involving oneself by visiting the specific place of worship for a certain religion will make one feel at peace in mind and spirit. I personally will not put my faith on a hig her being and don’t feel spiritually unhealthy. Some may agree with my thoughts and might not believe in superior power but others with different religions do and we must all respect each other. Most sick people pray to their god/s for health or a miracle and if these people did not have faith in such higher beings they would feel hopeless. Faith gives one hope by feeling spiritually at ease when praising their god/s and also when facing difficulties in life. Social health Being socially healthy means that one should get involved in society whether it’s a hometown or school, getting to know people around us and feel accepted. As human beings we crave acceptance from peers so everyone tries to go along with what the society as a whole is doing. Usually the outcasts of the social groups tend to make small groups of their own and find acceptance with other people with whom they find similarities with. Volunteering in a group or event will give one satisfaction that no other paying job will, such as helping the elderly and being appreciated. In my opinion I do not feel that I have to be accepted in society as a whole so instead I find comfort by needing to be accepted by my family and friends. We do not all have to click and have the same opinions but acceptance of who we are is enough. Some may argue that in order to be accepted in society one must follow the standard lifestyle and any uniqueness will not be tolerated. For example, the typical sexu al orientation is heterosexual, so in some countries around the world homosexuals are not accepted in the society and are labelled as odd beings which may drive these innocent victims mad so they try to be ‘normal’ while others rebel by forming gay right groups. Society has an immense impact on our lives and we all just want to be accepted by someone and be loved the way we are without judgements. Economical health Economical health is earned when people are young by receiving a good education for a future stable job. Continuing education such as attending university will increase the amount of pay in their job which will help the person by being financially stable. Finding a good job that makes the person happy will guarantee economical health if and only if the person does not abuse with the earned money. One must save up earned money and spent on essential equipment such as a home, a car, clothes, food, etc. In my opinion education is a necessity, where one may be grateful for it in the future since nowadays money is requested everywhere. Continuing education may be the hard part as some teenagers might be hard headed and start thinking of getting a simple job and start earning money on their own instead of studying further and get a career later on in life. Personally I would demonstrate on how easier life would be if they had to continue their education. Some may oppose by saying that if i t were not for some teens to be working such simple jobs their family may fall apart since the teenager is the breadwinner of the family. Some may even start a family at a young age and no other option would be possible except to work a simple job and earn enough money. One must be careful to choose the right choices offered in life and seek help when needed, professional if need be. Earning money is not enough one must spend money wisely and not abuse by gambling or buying drugs/alcohol or purchase unnecessary objects. Spending earned money on the right objects in life will give one good economical health. In conclusion to all this, one must try to balance out the five discussed topics above in order to maintain wellness and a healthy lifestyle to prolong life. If one has a good physical health, mentally at peace with no stressors, spiritual beliefs where one may keep hopeful, a good social status and fine economical health this will result by the person being well and healthy. Basically all in all the wellness of the person depends on the different health aspects by keeping them balanced and positive. References Edlin G., Goltanty E., McCormack Brown K., (1932), Health and wellness. (6th ed.). USA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers Krans B., How debt affects your mental health, retrieved January 12th 2013, Strout K., Wellness promotion and the institute of medicine’s future of nursing report: Are nurses ready?, retrieved: January 13th 2012, Ardell D., Definitions of health wellness, retrieved: January 13th 2014, Das B., New textbook, health and wellness for life outlines the six dimensions of wellness, 16th January 2014, Montague J., Whole-person wellness for vital living, retrieved: 18th January 2014, 1 | Page Decision Making Environment Types: Case Study Decision Making Environment Types: Case Study Organization Management Jiani Li There are two major decision-making environments for managers to address changes, the programmed decision-making environment and the non-programmed decision making environment. Due to the different decision-making environments they work in, different managers may make different decisions in change management. In this case, Specialist Apparel Ltd. may use two change management approachesas to address its current change. One approach is to implement the directive approach, which highlights the boss’ right and authority to impose changes. In this case, Henry is the boss who has the authority to impose changes forcibly. Henry favors the directive approach because he works in non-programmed decision making environment, where a new solution is often necessary. The other approach is the expert approach that requires the problems in change management to be resolved by an expert (Northumbria University, 2014). In this case, the Production Director Jim Foster acts as the expert who argues that the company should rely on the existing employees and customers. Jim Foster favors the expert approach due to his programmed decision-making environment where he relies heavily on his past experience. The directive approach requires the company to contract with temporary employees. The expert approach requires the company to remain and train the existing employees so that they can operate the newly-purchased machines. If the directive approach is implemented, the change management will subject to Henry’s idea that the organization should focus on the new orders by bringing in new staff.The proponents of this approach include the boss, the sales staff and the new Korean customer Hyonsung. The key details of this approach: bring contract specialist staff who design the products and run the machines lay off some of the existing employees who are currently useless If the expert approach is implemented, the company should continue to focus on the existing orders by retaining the existing staff. The proponents of this approach include the production staff, the low-level employees, and the existing domestic customers such as Rebel Sport. The key details of this approach: Train the existing employees so that they can use the newly-invested CAM and CNC systems According to Bateman and Zeithaml, organizational change includes three major areas, the technological change, the structural change, and the people change (Advameg, Inc, 2014).All of these changes occur in internal environment of Specialist Apparel Ltd. A firm’s internal environment involves multiple factors including value, vision, policies, employees, shareholder, stakeholders, and assets and so on. In this case, the company can manage the technological change, the structural change, and the people change with use of directive and expert approaches. Firstly, the implementation the directive approach will start with people change by bringing with new staff. Then, the new staff will bring new technology into the organization, resulting in technological changes. At the same time, the company may manage the structural change through team building. Secondly, the implantation of the expert approach will bring about significant technological change to the organization by training the existing employees. Also, structural changes may be made as to support the technological changes. For example, the company may change management structure by establishing a new department. In this case, this approach involves no significant people change. Overall, no matter which of the approaches will be taken, there would be changes to the internal environment. Specialist Apparel Ltd’s change management problem is the conflict between the boss’ desire to obtain new orders and enter new markets and the company’s limited ability to fulfill it. The two approaches can be applied to these problems in different ways. One option to overcome this problem is the directive approach proposed by the Managing Director Henry Buck worth. If this approach is applied, the company will focus on the new contract with the Korean customer but drop 65 percent of the existing business. The company will start â€Å"bringing in new specialist contract staff to design the product and run the new machines†. At the same time, the company will seek to identify how to supply Rebel Sport, its biggest customer in New Zealand for the next few months. According its existing production capacity, Specialist Apparel Ltd would be unable to fulfill the domestic orders. The other option to overcome this problem is to adopt the expert approach proposed by Production Manager Jim Foster. If this approach is applied, the company will focus on supplying the existing customers while abandoning the new orders. To achieve this, the company will train up the existing employees to operate the new equipment. Also, the company will retain the existing designing staff without contracting new ones. 4. A change agent refers to the person who has the authority or skills to stimulate, facilitate, and coordinate the change effort. A change agent can be either internal or external. There are different roles that change agents may play in change management, such as consulting, training, and research (Lunenburg, 2010, p.1). In this case, Hyonsung, Henry Buck worth, and Jim Foster are the three major change agents in the change management process. The Korean customer Hyonsung plays a role of initiator in the change management because the company is the change agent who triggers a series of changes to Specialist Apparel Ltd. The advantage of Hyonsung is that it has determining power to make the changes. The limitation of Hyonsung is that the Korean company has little knowledge of Specialist Apparel Ltd. Henry, as the boss of the company, plays the role of leadership in the change management process. He has the power to enforce the change management approaches. Henry’s advantage in change management is his superior power over the implementation and far vision of the organizational future. However, Henry has limitations due to his lack of knowledge in production. Jim Foster plays the role of consulting in the change management process. As the Production Manager, Jim provides advices about change management approach, but need approval for further implementation. Jim’s advantage is that he is production expert. However, Jim has limitation that he has no overall vision of the organization. 5.  The contextual factors influence the company and the staff’s response differently. The organizational culture, which refers to the beliefs, attitudes, and practices that define an organization. An organizational culture can be described as its personality or character. Organizational culture has double roles. On the one hand, it integrates all the organizational members, facilitating the internal communication. On the other hand, organizational culture also helps organizations make decisions to adapt to external changes. In this case, the organizational culture may play a critical role in making the change management decisions. If the culture of Specialist Apparel Ltd is aggressive, it would be likely to adopt the directive approach, by bringing in new staff and focusing on new orders. By contrast, if the culture of Specialist Apparel Ltd is conservative, it would be more likely to adopt the expert approach, by retaining the existing staff and focusing on the current orders. Management style, refers to the way how the organization is managed. If the company has directive or authoritative manage styles, it is likely to adopt directive change management approach by bringing in new staff. If the company adopts affinitive or participative management style, it is like to adopt expert change management approaching by retaining the existing staff. Organizational ethics and value, which refer to the code of conduct that communicates the value of the organization to its employees(McGew, 2014).If the company pay less attention to stakeholders, it is like to follow the directive approach. If the company’s organizational ethics and value are based on the stakeholder theory, it is like to adopt the expert approach. Participation, which refers to the extent to which the employees participate in the change management. If Specialist Apparel Ltd has low level of participation, it is likely to adopt the directive approach. By contrast, if the organization has high level of participation, it would be more likely to adopt the expert approach. Communication, which refers to the level of communication within the organization. If the company conventionally has low level of communication, it will be more likely to implement the directive approach. By contrast, if the company has high level of communication, it will be more likely to follow the advice given by the Production Manager and adopt the expert approach. Environmental pressure, which refers to the pressure the company receives from the environment. The environment that a firm operates in can be divided into three levels, i.e. the internal environment, the micro environment and the external environment. Accordingly, the environment pressure may come from a number of sources, it is more complex compared to other contextual factors. In this case, the environment pressure mainly from the internal and micro-environment. In the internal environment, the environmental pressure may come from the employees. If the organization receive great pressure from the existing employees, the organization would be more likely to retain the existing staff and provide training courses to them. In the micro-environment, the environmental pressure mainly come from the existing and potential customers. If the existing customer gives great pressure, Specialist Apparel Ltd would be likely to focus on the existing orders. If Specialist Apparel Ltd receives great pressure from the potential customers, it would be likely to bring in new staff and drop some of the existing orders. Reference List: Advameg, Inc., 2014, ‘Managing Organizational Change’ [online]. Available from: [Accessed 4 June 2014]. Lunenburg, F. (2010) ‘Managing Change: The Role of the Change Agent’, International Journal of Management, Business, and Administration, vol. 13, no. 1, August, pp. 1-6. McGew, M., 2014, ‘Definition of Organizational Ethics Values’ [online]. Available from: [Accessed 4 June 2014]. Northumbria University, 2014, ‘Change strategy and approaches’ [online]. Available from: [Accessed 4 June 2014].

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Career Objectives Essay

My career objective is to develop and build-up manpower with practical knowledge and problem solving skills to expand small and medium agribusiness enterprises and improve the productivity of agribusiness value chain in agricultural industry and also in my country. Also I plan to apply acquired knowledge and practical skills from TAMU to up-scale agribusiness management, farmer producer organizations and groups, agribusiness supply chain management and improve agribusiness marketing of processed commodities and small business enterprise development. To be involved in international research, outreach programs and teaching in various aspects of agribusiness management and Enterprise Development. These activities inform our domestic efforts and enable me to address important problems and opportunities in my country’s (Nigeria) agribusiness supply chain and Enterprise Development. Also to help in the attainment of the national objective of poverty alleviation and food security in my country as envisage by the Agricultural Perspective Plan (APP) through assured and efficient agricultural marketing system. To create environment for incentive price of the farmers at the same time help the consumers in their access to agricultural produces at a comfortable price. To carry out relevant agriculture marketing research activities to support the future marketing policies and programs. To facilitate and support agro entrepreneur’s association for promoting agribusiness and export from Nigeria. To construct and strengthen agriculture marketing infrastructure. Commercialization of the agriculture has been my priority at the recent time which has increased substantial market surplus of various agricultural commodities, like vegetables, fruits, species, cash crops and other agricultural products within the country. With the increase in volume of marketable surplus, t he need for assured market outlet has become very necessary. This calls for improvement is the my overall interest.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Technology and education

Introduction: Disability and TechnologyAccording to the U. S. Department of Commerce, more than half of all Americans use the Internet in some way, but â€Å"persons with a disability are only half as likely to have access to the Internet as those without a disability†¦ [a]nd while just under 25% of those without a disability have never used a personal computer, close to 60% of those with a disability fall into that category.† In addition â€Å"[a]mong those with a disability, people who have impaired vision†¦ have even lower rates of Internet access and are less likely to use a computer regularly than people with hearing and mobility problems† (National Telecommunications and Information Administration, 2000, p. xv).Cyndi Rowland, director of the Web Accessibility in Mind (WebAIM) project at Utah State University's Center for Persons with Disabilities, calls for a â€Å"national solution† to the problem of inaccessibility, especially â€Å"if we are t o abide by civil rights legislation, federal rulings, and common ethics† (Rowland, 2000, p. 10). Understanding the specific needs and concerns of students with disabilities may aid educators, information technology designers, and educational institutions to ensure that students with disabilities, particularly those who are blind or visually impaired, are not left behind in this technological â€Å"revolution.†The Internet and the web have become an integral part of higher education, transforming the educational experiences of all   students. In 1997, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the international body that oversees the protocols and operations of the Internet, created the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). WAI is responsible for promoting web functionality for people with disabilities and establishing accessibility guidelines. In this age of computer technology, many of the tools needed to enable students with disabilities to obtain equity in education and be yond already exist. For those involved in educational institutions, these tools can provide opportunities and independence, eliminating the obstacles and barriers that many of the current systems still enable.A review of the literature related to attitudes and other barriers that people with disabilities must contend with every day at school and at work, the integration of computer technology in postsecondary education, and the needs and concerns of students with disabilities, in particular those who are blind or visually impaired, may provide some insights for future policies and guidelines regarding access and use of computer technologies for students who are blind or visually impaired.Technology: Enhancing Modern EducationExperiences of people with visual impairments in the workplace and their use of computer technology and the Internet was the focus of a qualitative study conducted in Australia by Williamson, Albrecht, Schauder, and Bow (2001). Primarily through focus group rese arch, the researchers presented the perceived benefits and concerns of the study's participants. Most agreed that the Internet enabled them to participate in an information and communication format that is becoming a primary source for many people. Many also saw the Internet as enabling them to be less reliant on others and, therefore, facilitating an increase in their own privacy.However, some were concerned about a reduction in social contact and an increase in isolationism. An additional concern was that there would be a decline in the quality of services from such entities as the government and banks because more is being done online. Training was viewed as critical to successfully using the Internet and computer technology. This, it was believed by many, was the key to achieving equality in the workplace, yet many felt it was a low priority by agencies and workplaces. Cost was also viewed as a barrier to accessing computers and the Internet.With various Internet advances, more individuals in all sectors of the community are working from home.   For visually impaired members of community the Internet has the potential to free them from the restrictions they have experienced in the past while seeking to obtain employment. â€Å"Once the challenges of access have been surmounted, [visually impaired] users can take their places in the digitalized workforce† (Williamson et al., 2001, pp. 693-4).With computer technology becoming a part of all college students' educational experiences, how are postsecondary schools preparing students for a computer-integrated future? To determine how the use of various technologies affect student learning, Shuell and Farber (2001) conducted a study of 728 sighted undergraduate and graduate students at a large northeastern university, where they found that, in general, students perceived the use of computer technology in their courses to be very beneficial. Students also believed that the use of communication technology brought an increase in their sense of involvement in a course.Eighty-eight percent of the sample indicated that their use of computer technology helped them learn materials and skills, and 75 percent indicated that using computer technology improved the quality of interaction with their instructor. Students also viewed the use of dynamic computer presentations and the Internet in lectures very favorably; it kept their interest, and the students believed that it improved their learning.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Students also favored electronic forums as a way to interact with their peers (e.g., email, listservs, and newsgroups) and believed that the use of these forms of computer technology increased the quality of these interactions.Another interesting finding in this study was that students who considered themselves to be more independent tended to respond more favorably to these technologies and the learning benefits associated with them. One theme of this study was the appreciation that stude nts had of the ability for computer technologies to enable independent learning. When serving the needs of students with disabilities, independence is a key factor to consider.Lewis, Coursol, and Khan (2001) examined the use and effect of computer technology on student development and education. They surveyed 124 sighted undergraduate students who attended a regional public institution in the Midwest. Technology choices, which included use of email, the Internet, and multimedia, were based on technology trends in higher education.Results indicated that the majority of students were comfortable with computer technology, using such tools as email and the Internet for both academic and social purposes. Both men and women spent about the same amount of time on email, class assignments on the computer, playing computer games, and shopping on the Internet. However, women spent significantly fewer hours surfing the Internet than men did.Consistent with Shuell and Farber (2001), Lewis et al . (2001) also confirmed that students believe the use of email increases their frequency of communication with faculty, which, in turn, enhances the faculty-student relationship and enables faculty to be more accessible. The issue of accessibility was discussed in this report and how there is a need for higher educational institutions to address this issue, which the authors indicate to be a social problem that has significant economic and social implications. They point to the need to recognize that there are some students, including those with disabilities, who may be at a disadvantage when a course requires the retrieval of materials from the web.The use of computer technology has become an accepted and expected component of every student's postsecondary educational experience. To better understand the use and effectiveness of these technologies, all of the studies used in this paper that focused on computer technology in higher education examined one or more aspects of the integ ration of these technologies into the educational system. The Arant (1996) study focused on the use of the Internet and the World Wide Web in higher education.Employing both qualitative and quantitative methods (phone interviews and a survey), it concluded that, while using online components to traditional courses did not support the apparent belief that online education saved time and money, it did change the way in which courses were taught, with additional online portions being incorporated into courses. For students who are visually impaired or blind, this could result in additional barriers.Computer Technology and Visually Impaired StudentsIn an extensive two-year study in Canada, Fichten, Barile, and Asuncion (1999) investigated the computer, information, learning, and adaptive technology needs and concerns of Canadian postsecondary students with disabilities. Of the findings from this study, computers were found to be critical to the success of students with disabilities, and the vast majority of students, regardless of gender, age, program of study, or type of disability, could and did use computer technologies to help them succeed. An important development that emerged from this study was that students often â€Å"cross-used† technologies. For example, while students with visual impairments are expected to use screen reader software, students with learning disabilities also used this software.The students in this study considered computers as â€Å"electronic curb cuts,† enabling technologies that allow students with disabilities to better prepare for and participate in the information-based economy of tomorrow. Fichten, et al. (1999) urged postsecondary education institutions to design for accessibility and to consider the needs of students with disabilities before making purchases.   What the authors describe as â€Å"troubling† is â€Å"the absence, in many cases, of planning for access† for students with disabilities by postsecondary institutions (Fichten et al., p. 179).  As some technological barriers fall, others are slowly erected as new technologies continue to become part of a student's educational experiences. One suggestion the authors had for government funding bodies to help raise awareness of these issues was to take accessibility issues into consideration when reviewing grant applications and to create incentives for businesses to develop and market technologies that are accessible to all students. The authors wrote: The enormous potential of computers to remove barriers to students with disabilities and concerns over barriers posed by limitations in access were central issues noted by respondents in all categories in all phases of the research (p. 180).Shaw and Giacquinta (2000) used a questionnaire that was very carefully developed, field tested, and revised several times before being used for this study. The sample consisted of 412 sighted graduate students. This study was very well thought out and documented.  Ã‚   The authors suggested that faculty integrate more computer technology into their curricula (e.g., with the use of such tools as Blackboard, WebCT, and course web pages). They did not, however, take into consideration the ramifications of that suggestion as it applies to students who are blind or visually impaired.  Ã‚   Unfortunately, unless having been asked to consider it, most faculty do not think about students who are blind or visually impaired (or who have any other disability) when they begin to integrate technology into their curriculum.Shuell and Farber (2001) piloted a questionnaire and discussed it within two focus groups before using it for the study. Their sample was composed of 728 sighted undergraduate and graduate students.  Ã‚   Both qualitative and quantitative data showed a link between active, participatory learning and the positive perception of students regarding technology as a learning tool; they also confirmed tha t the use of technology made the classes seem more personal to the students.However, the authors caution that the apparent relationship found in their study between a positive perception of computer technology by students and students' actual learning is still unclear. Lewis et al. (2001) used an author-constructed survey, which they described as â€Å"a self-report, forced-choice survey.† One of the problems with this study is that a self-report is subject to response bias, although the results of this study were consistent with the others regarding a positive perception and use of computer technology by students in postsecondary institutions. Both Shuell et al. and Lewis et al. recommended that future research focus on the impact of technology on student learning. Lewis et al. also recommended the need to examine the use of technology among specific groups, such as students who are Hispanic, African American, and commuters.ConclusionGiven the state of existing literature in the area of postsecondary students who are blind or visually impaired, combined with the overwhelming integration of computer technology into the academic environment, there is still a need for a more substantive exploration into how postsecondary institutions are supporting and serving the best interests of these students. Disability scholars Susan R. Jones and Julie Smart point out the relationship between individuals who have a disability and how society views people with disabilities. They assert that disability is a universal issue, and yet there is no single disability experience.With a focus on the prejudices, discrimination and stigma experienced by people with disabilities and their responses to their disabilities, Jones (1996) and Smart (2001) define disability as a socially constructed phenomenon that combines the experiences of those living with a disability together with their environments. Goggin and Newell (2003) further state that â€Å"in the name of inclusionâ₠¬  society builds disability into digital technologies, arguing that disability has been constructed in the technological world of computing and computer networks and that there is a need to critically analyze the ways in which it is constructed within contemporary society.ReferencesArant, Jr., M. D. (1996, August). Going online to teach journalism and mass communication.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED399596)Fichten, C, Barile, M., & Asuncion, J. V. (1999). Learning technologies:Students with   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   disabilities inpostsecondary education [Montreal: Final Report to the Office of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Learning Technologies]. Adaptech Project,Dawson College. (ERIC Document   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Reproduction Service No. ED433625)Goggin, G. & Newell, C. (2003). Digital disability: The social construction of disability in   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   new media. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.Jones, S. R. (1996). Toward inclusive theory: Disability as social construction. NASPA   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Journal, 33(4), 347-354.Lewis, J., Coursol, D., & Khan, L. (2001). College students @ A study of comfort and the use of technology. Journal of College Student Development, 42(6), 625-631.National Telecommunications and Information Administration. (2000). Falling through the   Ã‚   net: Toward digital inclusion. A report of American's access to technology tools. Retrieved March 18, 2009, from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   http://www.ntia.doc.gOv/ntiahome/fttn00/Falling.htm#6Rowland, C. (2000, October). Accessibility of the internet in postsecondary education:   Ã‚   Meeting the challenge. Paper presented at the Universal Web Accessibility   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Symposium 2000, San Antonio, Texas. Retrieved March 18, 2009, from   Ã‚  Ã‚, T. J., & Farber, S. L. (2001). Students' perceptions of technology use in college      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   courses. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 24(2), 119-138.Shaw, F. S., & Giacquinta, J. B. (2000). A survey of graduate students as end users of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   computer technology: New roles for faculty. Information Technology, Learning, and   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Performance Journal, 18(1), 21-40.Smart, Julie (2001). Disability, Society, and the Individual. Gaithersburg, Maryland: Aspen Publishers.Williamson, K., Albrecht, A., Schauder, D., & Bow, A. (2001). Australian perspectives on the   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   use of the internet by people who are visually impaired and professionals who work   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   with them. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 95(11), 690 – 701.

Friday, January 3, 2020

What Disorder ( Ocd ) Do You Think Sonya Is Likely...

Daniella Salawu What disorder(s) do you think Sonya is likely experiencing? Provide support for the diagnosis/diagnoses you make, walking me through your reasons. Specifically, you might outline what is needed to meet diagnostic criteria and explain how the patient fits these criteria. (10pts) Sonya is likely experiencing obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It is the disorder that exhibits recurrent obsessions and/or compulsions (Nevid pg. 189). Obsessions are recurrent and intrusive thoughts (189). In this case study,Sonya admitted that she was a lifelong worrier. She also states that she repeatedly in a state of anxiousness or worriness (frets) about her family’s health, her future, and finances ( 189). Compulsions are repetitive behaviors that the person feels compelled to perform ( 189). Sonya has exhibit some compulsions in her perfectionistic tendencies. In Sonya childhood, she reviewed her homework assignments multiple times for â€Å"careless mistakes†. She even stated that she spent three times as long on homework than other children. In high school, she was very preoccupied in her appearance. She would iron her clothes the night before class. The next morning, she would check for wrinkles. If she find a wrinkle, she would iron her clothes ag ain. Perfectionist’s beliefs involves exaggerating the consequences of submitting less than perfect work. They might feel compelled to redo their works until every detail is flawless (190). For example, Sonya states that